Field IT
For all small business IT support Sydney needs
Small Business IT Support Sydney
Smart Web Design
We build using smart mobile web design principals that are practical and beautiful. We offer various solutions with visuals so you know exactly what you’re getting with no surprises! We create anything you can imagine
Cost Effective
All of our solutions are highly competitive and built to a very high standard. We take pride in our work and ensure you get the best possible quality and service whatever your budget
IT Support Sydney
Search Engine Optimisation
Cloud Computing
Want to go to the cloud? We can help get you there and build a strategic plan that is cost effective meeting all your IT needs
Benefits of Using Us
A Computer Company that specializes in small business IT Support across Sydney

Highly experienced
Field IT is an extremely experienced team in all aspects of IT and web development. We believe in providing the best possible outcome for all our customers

Open for new ideas

Free thinking and enthusiastic
We are extremely enthusiastic with any project and able to think outside the box delivering exceptional designs, solutions and functionality you never thought possible

Strategic thinking
We prepare for your business IT future and think of things the others don’t
When providing a solution we will take into consideration factors our competitors don’t consider
We use a definitive best practice strategic process model to achieve the best possible outcome.
At a high level we start with the following:
1. Discussion with you the customer and help identify your objectives
2. Analysis and Design: We examine internal and external factors
3. Choice: We provide various solutions for you to achieve your goal
4. Implementation: We build to and provide solutions to identified requirements continually evaluating in a controlled environment
5. Feedback: This occurs continuously through out the project until you’re satisfied it has been completed to requirements specified
By using these standard practices Field IT minimises risk so you can be rest assured that you’ll get what you asked for

Project Management
We will manage your project ensuring it finishes on time, as expected and on budget
Field IT uses a combination of standard project management methodologies such as Prince2, Agile and PMBOK tailored for the size of your project.
We will get your exact requirements and create a statement of work document seeking sign off before the project commences.
This will ensure that your requirements are listed and there are no nasty surprises
The benefits of using a project management approach are:
- common, consistent approach
- controlled and organised start, middle and end
- Regular reviews of progress against plan
- Assurance that the project continues to have a business justification
Let us manage your project and deliver an outcome that has no surprises
We’ll meet your requirements at the best possible quality
Small Business IT Support Sydney News
Web Hosting Sydney
Web Hosting Sydney Your website like you needs a place to live. Hence why Field IT offers web hosting solutions for all our newly and migrated websites. Where are our Website Hosting servers located Field IT has servers based in Australia, United States, Europe and...
Ecommerce Website Design
What's Ecommerce Ecommerce is often referred to as online shopping. Therefore if you have a business that sells products or services then having an Ecommerce (electronic commerce) website is a must. Having an Ecommerce website will make it easier for your...
Website Design Sydney
Website Design Sydney Today, your website is an essential part of your business, it is important to give it the attention it deserves and use the right web design agency to ensure success. Having great Website Design and SEO strategy will generate high volume to your...